90th Oscar’s Nomination Announced
23/01/18 Mejor Corto DeKalb Elementary The Eleven O’Clock My Nephew Emmett The Silent Child Watu…
23/01/18 Mejor Corto DeKalb Elementary The Eleven O’Clock My Nephew Emmett The Silent Child Watu…
20/01/18 Los Razzie Awards 2018 han sido expuestos. Advierten de tener cuidado con esta infección…
27/12/17 Imagina por un segundo nacer en 1901, en Alemania, siendo mujer y queriendo ser actriz y cantante…
29/11/17 Pocas veces en la vida he salido de una sala de cine tan conmovido, lleno…
04/11/17 The «Day of the Dead» in Mexico and Latin America, Halloween in the USA,…
10/10/17 We all know that filmmaking started without spoken dialogues, and music was always the…
05/10/17 The Seventh Seal (Swedish: Det sjunde inseglet) is a 1957 Swedish drama-fantasy film written and directed by Ingmar Bergman….
04/10/17 POLSKI Cortometraje realizado por el Director mexicano Ruben Rojas Cuauhtemoc, ha tenido reconocimiento a…
13/09/17 La Noche de Cabiria A film directed by the great Federico Fellini in 1957,…
23/08/17 Federico Fellini, (born January 20, 1920, Rimini, Italy—died October 31, 1993, Rome), Imagine a ten years old boy, who loved…
Thomas E. Sanders, the production designer and art director who worked for some of the…
25/07/2017 La Historia de un Director Mexicano, multipremiado en Cannes Nacido en la Ciudad de México en 1979,…
Director del Film «Nelly»: CHRIS RAIBER
Director del Film » Operación Fird Play»: ALBERTO VALLEJO AZNAR
20/06/17 INCORTO Film Festival 2017 has come to an end, and we anounce you the Winner’s of…
13/06/17 En este Segundo Ciclo INCORTO Film Festival contamos con un Jurado de Primer Nivel….
The Basics Cinematography is the science/art of motion-picture photography by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation,…
12/06/17 Ya llegó El Segundo Ciclo INCORTO Film Festival y más de 600 películas (cortometrajes…
23/05/17 The 70th annual Cannes Film Festival is currently taking place from 17 to 28…
12/05/17 We have all seen a clapperboard at some point. Few uf us know how…
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