Best Movie Soundtracks Ever

octubre 11, 2017


We all know that filmmaking started without spoken dialogues, and music was always the key. If you watch a 1910’s or 20’s movie, without a symphony, as well as a 2010’s movie without a soundtrack, something really important would be missing. Even with the best special effects and action scenes, without the color of the notes, no story would be enough. Not only that, music is so important, that many films are made as a tribute to music itself.

This review pretends to share with you the most meaningful masterpieces in the story of filmmaking. We invite you to share your own film music pleasures.

 ‘Superfly’ (1972)

Is a masterpiece of first-person narrative funk-fiction. And the big-band-noir instrumentals showed Mayfield, long revered as one of R&B’s greatest singer-songwriters, to be one of its most gifted composers and arrangers as well.

‘Purple Rain’ (1984)

The plot is your standard melodrama about a struggling musician with girl troubles, except this guy happens to be Prince, right at the moment when he’s on a historic creative streak. 

‘Pulp Fiction’ (1994)

  No one can draw out the veiled menace, camp absurdity and sweat-bead sexuality of a pop song like Quentin Tarantino.

The Godfather (1972)

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The very first shock that audiences got from »The Godfather» have to be the music that ran during the opening credits.

  2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

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The soundtrack is known for its use of many classical and orchestral pieces, and credited for giving many classical pieces resurgences in popularity. The soundtrack has been re-issued multiple times: including a 1996 version and a digitally remastered version in 2010.

Kill Bill Vol. 1

The soundtrack Co-produced with The RZA – who added samples and beats to “keep the vibe going between songs”. The soundtrack album includes iconic sound effects, not to mention an excerpt from Ironside.


The comparatively huge fanbase for both the film and the original soundtrack prompted a release of a second soundtrack on October 21, 1997. This second album included songs from the film that didn’t make the cut for the first album, as well as songs that didn’t appear in the final film but were involved at earlier stages.

The Graduate (1968)

Resultado de imagen para the graduate movie  This soundtrack is packed full of their folky delights, collating a great number of now-classic works from their previous few albums. But although the duo are the artists now most notably associated with the film, they don’t make up the whole album.  Their eight songs are broken up with jazzy orch.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Resultado de imagen para the good the bad and the ugly

When it comes to soundtrack composers, Ennio Morricone is the nonpareil genius, whose distinctive original compositions, containing gunfire, whistling, and yodeling permeate the film.


Resultado de imagen para goodfellas  Martin Scorsese chose the songs for Goodfellas only if they commented on the scene or the characters «in an oblique way». The only rule he adhered to with the soundtrack was to only use music which could have been heard at that time.

Cinema Paradiso

Resultado de imagen para cinema paradiso  The soundtrack to Cinema Paradiso is another exceptional work from Morricone and the perfect souvenir to the film. The Special Limited Edition of this album includes a bonus track, an alternate version of «Cinema Paradiso.


Resultado de imagen para amelie  Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet chanced upon the accordion- and piano-driven music of Yann Tiersen while driving with his production assistant who put on a CD he had not heard before. Greatly impressed, he immediately bought Tiersen’s entire catalog and eventually commissioned him to compose pieces for the film.
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Written by Bernardo De la Mora

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