Duración: 22 min.
País:  Argentina
Sinopsis: In the very near future, society uses a smart device that records memories and allows people to replay them at any time. Nina is a woman who is living a critical moment of her life. On one hand she is facing her breakup from Lucas and on the other hand she is undergoing psychological treatment for her addiction to this electronic device.
As suggested by her therapist, Nina’s main task is to revisit the best memory she had with Lucas, without the help of her earphone. Her struggle arises from the tension between perfect memories and the upsetting truth of reality.
Nina will finally meet Lucas and he will propose that they switch their points of view (by exchanging their devices) which will make her understand her responsibilities in their breakup. In the end, Nina will come to realise that the separation from Lucas and the addiction to memories were intimately connected and one was the consequence of the other.

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