The Seventh Seal – A Master Piece –

octubre 5, 2017


The Seventh Seal (Swedish: Det sjunde inseglet) is a 1957 Swedish drama-fantasy film written and directed by Ingmar Bergman.


Disillusioned knight Antonius Block (Max von Sydow) and his squire Jöns (Gunnar Björnstrand) return after fighting in the Crusades and find Sweden being ravaged by the plague. On the beach after their arrival, the knight encounters Death (Bengt Ekerot). The knight challenges Death to a chess match. If he wins, he can return home. If he loses, time is over.

Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal contains cinema’s most celebrated chess game, however, if we had been able to see the game between life and death, we would have been disappointed by the lack of strategy that can be seen on the board during the different scenes of the movie.

The film narrates in a fantastic way, the struggle between the two parallel planes. With the unique direction of Bergman, the atmosphere, music, costumes and almost all the performances, makes us, the audience, become part of the fiction and enter to the game board. it is a radical work of art that reaches back to scripture, to Cervantes and to Shakespeare to create a new dramatic idiom of its own.


  • Gunnar Björnstrand – Jöns, squire
  • Bengt Ekerot – Death
  • Nils Poppe – Jof
  • Max von Sydow – Antonius Block, knight
  • Bibi Andersson – Mia, Jof’s wife
  • Inga Landgré – Karin, Block’s wife
  • Åke Fridell – Blacksmith Plog
  • Inga Gill – Lisa, blacksmith’s wife
  • Erik Strandmark – Jonas Skat
  • Bertil Anderberg – Raval, the thief
  • Gunnel Lindblom – Mute girl
  • Maud Hansson – Witch
  • Gunnar Olsson – Albertus Pictor, church painter
  • Anders Ek – The Monk
  • Benkt-Åke Benktsson – Merchant
  • Gudrun Brost – Maid
  • Lars Lind – Young monk
  • Tor Borong – Farmer
  • Harry Asklund – Inn keeper
  • Ulf Johanson – Jack’s leader


  • Best Short Films
  • Best Reviews
  • Best Classic’s
  • – –

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